What Really Matters - Part 2

You can thrive your career, acquire wealth and reputation, even experience tremendous impact in your ministry. Yet, if your relationships are poor…
Then nothing else matters.
Investing in people is the best you can ever do.
Giving your time and efforts or whatever you have, ultimately giving your love.
Love is the only currency with eternal value. And its value increases the more you give.
Like any other investment, though, love investments include risks. People can cheat you, disappoint you or just neglect you. Someone you love with all of your heart may one day turn against you and hate you.
Therefore, to pin your hopes on people doesn’t seem to be quite safe, at least not in short term thinking. However, don’t get confused when your love is rejected.
The real value of your investments will finally show. If not in this life-time, then at the latest in eternity.
Jesus was aware of that. He knew he could not fully rely on people, not even on his closest friends. However, in the face of suffering betrayal, hatred and torture to the fullest, he gave them everything.
He never gave up loving. It cost him his life.
Yet, is there anything more worth living and dying for?
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