Egmont Mika

Share a Meal

Hospitality is an expression of God’s character.

Our Lord is a welcoming God. He is generous, nourishing, lavish, joyful…

He is hospitable.

And this is what we are communicating to others when being hospital. It’s as easy as sharing a meal with a friend, a colleague, a neighbor, or a stranger. Or why not a beggar! God is indiscriminate.

He is including.

Your meal doesn’t have to be fancy; don’t let it be exclusive. There is no need to impress on anyone. Just share what you have, it may be abundant or little, a three-course dinner or a glass of water. Or a piece of chocolate or a banana. Just act hospitable according to the situation.

Actually, it’s not so much about the food, but about your attitude, what people sense when they are together with you.

Hospitality is an expression of grace.

You give people an experience of being accepted, respected, appreciated and honored. A sense of belonging without having to qualify or to argue. It breaks the power of fear and alienation and prejudice.

It’s an expression of freedom.

You create an environment of generosity, free from control and free from guilt and accusations. Also free from the need to impress and pretend. Allowing people to be who they are. Giving them your love.

Creating community.

Creating an experience of how God is.