Egmont Mika

Overcoming Bitterness

Bitterness is a killer.

Holding onto accusations hurts you more than anything else. Leaves you with a far greater damage than anything people can do to you. Bitterness steals your peace and breaks you down continuously. It kills you not only emotionally and spiritually, but also physically.

So, what can you do in order to overcome? Here follow three steps:

Step 1

The first step is to stop.

Stop meditating on what happened. Stop accusing. Stop seeking revenge. Stop lamenting. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Just say, Stop!

Overcoming starts with this decision. Anyone can do it. You can do it, no matter whose guilt it is, no matter what the damage is, and no matter what your feelings are at the moment. Once you take that decision, eventually your feelings will follow.

Step 2

The next step is to forgive.

This is the hardest part. You forgive, although the people who harmed you never regretted what they did, far less apologized. And don’t just think, I forgive you, but speak it out loudly so you can hear your own voice. Even better, let also someone else hear it.

Call the person by name and shout it out, I don’t accuse you anymore! I forgive you! You are free!

Step 3

The third step is to admit your own guilt.

Yes, there is guilt with you, as well. In case you cannot think of anything to admit to this other person, at least admit your bitterness. Bitterness is sin. Again, do it loudly and in prayer. And be sure God will hear you and forgive you. He will heal you.

And YOU are free. So precious!