Egmont Mika

New Book - Turning Missional

Hi friends!

It’s been a while since I published my last post on this blog. Here is what happened:

During the process of writing I increasingly came to the conviction that I should write a book with only one narrow, unique focus. It’s the question, How can we as churchgoers become missional disciples of Jesus? How can we step beyond church programmes and on a personal level start living an everyday missional life?

The book is now published and available on and in all other national Amazon marketplaces, like,, and so on.

Here is a short description from the foreword by Roger Thoman, founder and leader of Appleseed Ministry Group:

“This book gives a sharp diagnosis of the church today and the typical churchgoer who is going through the motions of religion. But it is more than just a critique of institutional forms of church. It provides a pathway for anyone who wants to move from sitting to going and from a place of living in comfort-zone to the spiritual adventure of following Jesus. Turning Missional clearly identifies the emotional and spiritual obstacles to becoming missional disciples and helps anyone interested to overcome these pitfalls and move forward. It provides a blueprint for actually walking out the reality of a life that is devoted to the things that grip the heart of God.

If you hunger for more than your current church-going experience, this book will point you toward a life of becoming a disciple of Jesus who learns the most exciting vocation of all: making others to be disciples of Jesus.”

Does that make you curious? Then you may want to click here and get free access to the foreword, the introduction, the table of contents, and the first articles.

Best wishes / Egmont

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