Letting Go
No use to spend hours pondering on the past - regretting.
You may say that you can learn from it. Yes, but any useful lesson from the past doesn’t take more than a few seconds, or maybe minutes. Anything longer than that may become destructive. The past is gone and will never come back.
In contrast, pondering on the future can be very rewarding.
The future gives you the opportunity to make a better decision, find a better solution, get better results, and avoid the old mistakes. The future is filled with possibilities and choices - good choices.
That is, if you first let go the past.
Did you let go?
You can start your future right away - by letting go and pondering on the future. Admitted, the actual work still needs to be done.
Yet, it’s a good start.
Anonym Hej Egmont, tack för dagens inlägg, stämmer så väl, det är så lätt att fastna i det negativa man varit med om och ge det alldeles för mycket tid. Vi får kasta oss på Gud som verkligen känner till alla detaljer i våra liv och vill att vi ska bli stilla och lyssna in vad han vill säga oss. Uppskattar din blogg som har en enkelhet samtidigt som den är djup.